According to the Enquirer, 18 year old daughter of Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston is continuing to spiral OUT OF CONTROL!
Just this past weekend Bobbi Kristina was involved in a terrifying gun battle.
Enquirer Reports: Its began when Bobbi and three male friends were in a Honda pulling out of a sundivision. They were spotted by Bobbi's ex-boyfriend Max Lomas who was in another car with Nicholas Gordon the adopted som of Whitney Houston. The Honda came to a stop at a red light and the front seat passenger Justin Walls claimed that Lomas approcahed the vehicle "and tried to punch him in the face while they were waiting on the traffic light to turn green,"according to the poilce report. Soon both cars pulled into a local Chevron station-all hell broke loose.
A friend of the family reports Whitney "was horrified when she found out that her daughter was in the middle of the drunken brawl. It absolutley terrified her that a gun was involved and Bobbi could have been shot in the incident. Whitney shipped Bobbi to Los Angeles just days later to get her away from all of her bad influeces."
Bobbi was also charged asa minor in possession of alcohol. If convicted, she could spend a 1/2 year in prison.